This machine, compact, fast and very simple to use was created for medium-high production, the small size also allows a great workability and space for medium-sized pieces.
Can hot and cold stamping, with and without decorative ribbon.
The considerable electric power output allows to apply printing plate of 120 x 80 mm.
The marking of the thrust generated by the pneumatic piston ensures a considerable force of 450 kg / cm² at a pressure of 6-8 atmospheres.
The descent and ascent of the piston are secured by spring mechanical brakes to sweeten the move.
Available with a gold band, sliding top and bottom support or high support, foot pedal and double button.

Power 220 Volt
Power 350 W
exit No. 2 resistances 100W
printing plate Dimensions: 120 x 80 mm.
Temperature control from 20 to 250 ° C
Timer work cycle: from 0 to 10 seconds.
Worktop: 150 x 200 mm
Drive pedal or double button.

On the footprint size
MOD. 152: (Only Head) 21 X 41 X 55 CM
MOD. SB 152: (With Low Support) 100 X 85 X 120 CM
MOD. 152 SA: (With High Support) 30 X 50 X 170 CM from 0 to 10 seconds. Worktop: 150 x 200 mm Drive pedal or double button. On the footprint size MOD. 152: (Only Head) 21 X 41 X 55 CM MOD. SB 152: (With Low Support) 100 X 85 X 120 CM MOD. 152 SA: (With High Support) 30 X 50 X 170 CM from 0 to 10 seconds. Worktop: 150 x 200 mm Drive pedal or double button. On the footprint size MOD. 152: (Only Head) 21 X 41 X 55 CM MOD. SB 152: (With Low Support) 100 X 85 X 120 CM MOD. 152 SA: (With High Support) 30 X 50 X 170 CM

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