Machine of great usefullness and easiest employment. It comes used in the industries of leather shops, shoe factories etc. Particularly indicated in order to beat again the ag after the application of the profile. This model comes used for the definitive crushing after the seam of connection andiglueing. This machine regarding hand hammer manual it's faster of 75% ..Available with speed variator and electronic pedal (VRP) and with electronic height adjustment system (ERGO). Version with gooseneck arm (U)

Mod. 220-T Head Only Model - Overall dimensions cm 50 x 75 x 40 cm – 40 kg
Mod. 220 Standard model with support - Overall dimensions cm 50 x 75 x 135 cm - 85 Kg
Mod. 220-VRP Model with variator, pedal for operation and support - Dimensions cm 50 x 90 x 135 cm 85 Kg
Mod. 220-U Model with gooseneck arm, with support - Dimensions cm 50 x 90 x 135 cm 85 Kg
Mod. 220-VRPU Model with gooseneck arm, with support, variator and pedal – 90 kg
Mod. 220-VRPUR Model with gooseneck arm, support, variator, pedal and heated lower anvil

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