SATURN has created this oven to dry all types of painted products such as wallets, sides, small-medium sized zip pullers.
In addition to having a total capacity of 8 rotating tanks of dimensions 60x23 cm, has the characteristic of having 2 windows (front and rear) suitable for the insertion and extraction of details to dry. From the touch screen you can manage the heating by setting the temperature, and has three types of movements: manual, semi-automatic and automatic for moving the baskets.
It's possible choose the rotation speed, distance and stop time as well as the direction of rotation.
Available in the version with one opening (Mod. 7080), with double opening (Mod. 7080-d) and with double opening and infrared (Mod. 7080-DI). Possibility to save programs into the internal memory
Technicals Features
Alimentation 380 Volt
Hot power 4000 watt
Elettronic termocontrol temperature 90°C
Mod. 7080 - 8 racks dimension 60 x 23 cm .External measures : 120 x 77 x 195 cm Weigth : 150 kg
Mod. 7080-D - Idem with double security wall ,double window .External measures: 120 x 77 x 195 cm Wkg : 150 kg
Mod. 7080-DI - Double security wall ,double window+Infrares 1000W.External measures:120x77x 195 cm Wkg :180 kg